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美视 2.9.5
美视是一款由新浪公司开发的多人视频互动聊天工具,每天拥有百万用户同时在线。集成美女聊吧、炫舞秀场、明星电台、都市情感等多个频道上百个房间。最HIGH的KTV!这里有萌妹纸为你唱歌,有宅男女神舞动奇迹,有懂你的她陪你彻夜畅聊。这里有高富帅,有白富美,这里是草根的舞台,这里是明星的制造机。全国最大的手机视频直播SHOW,数万名美女主播在这里等待与你视频连线。拒绝裸聊~~上百个包厢,每一个都不同,却每一个都人气爆棚。这里有中国好声音,HIGH翻全场;这里有舞林大会,震惊四座;这里有都市情感,两性夜话;这里也许还有你在寻找的那个她(他)。一麦在手,舞台就是你的,数万听众做你的粉丝,鲜花礼物送来对你的爱慕。更可以点歌给心爱的她,送去你的祝福。还在等什么,SHOW出你自己,发现身边的达人,就在美视!二、功能特点1.支持多人视频,每个房间可以完成3个视频流畅切换。2.语音视频控制,帮您节省流量。3.礼物互赠,让彼此交流更加贴近。4.公聊、私聊两种模式,悄悄话说不停。三、更多信息,欢迎关注官网官方网站:官方微博:官方微信:sina_show更多互动体验,尽在美视,快来体验吧!Grandview is amultiplayerdeveloped by Sina interactive video chat tools, withmillions ofusers online at the same time every day. Integratedbeauty Liaoba,multiple channels Hyun dance show, radio star, urbanemotionhundreds of rooms.Most HIGH KTV!There Meng sister paper sing for you, there are men and women ofGodStrictly Come Dancing house, you have to understand her chatwithyou all night.There are rich handsome, white Formica, here is the grassrootsofthe stage, here is the star making machine.The country's largest mobile video broadcast SHOW, tens ofthousandsof beautiful anchor waiting here with you videoconnection. Refusenude chat ~~Hundreds of boxes, each one is different, but each one burstingwithpopularity.Here are The Voice of China, HIGH turn the audience;Here's Dance Forest Congress, shocked four;There are urban emotion, gender Nocturne;Here perhaps that she (he) you are looking for.A wheat in hand, the stage is yours, tens of thousands oflistenersdo your fans, flowers, gifts sent to your love.But also to her beloved song, send your blessings.What are you waiting, SHOW out yourself up to people aroundthem,just as the United States!Second, the functional characteristics1. Support multiplayer video, each room can be completedthreesmooth video switching.2. voice and video control, to help you save traffic.3. The gift-giving, exchange closer to each other.4. The public chat, private chat modes, whisper say stop.Third, more information, please focus on the official websiteOfficial Website: http: // microblogging: http: // micro letter: sina_showMore interactive experience, all in the United States as,comeexperience it!
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新浪唱聊 2.9.6
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